Teeth Grinding
Teeth grinding, which is also referred to as bruxism, refers to the clenching of the teeth together tightly or rubbing them against each other. Many people grind their teeth from time to time, but for some, the severity and frequency is such that their oral health could be affected. Teeth grinding can happen during the day, but it can also happen during sleep. Because of this, you may not be aware that you grind your teeth.
Night Guards
Night guards are custom-made pieces of plastic that cover the top or bottom set of teeth. They help protect your teeth from the force of clenching and prevent the molars from grinding. This helps protect your teeth from damage, thus avoiding costly dental work. Our dentist can fit you for a night guard at our office to protect your smile.
Other Solutions
Our dentist may also suggest other solutions for bruxism. Malocclusion (crooked teeth or a misaligned bite) is often a contributor to grinding. Orthodontic treatment may be suggested to remedy the problem. Another big contributor to bruxism is stress and anxiety. Because of this, we may suggest that you practice relaxation methods like meditation or muscle relaxation to help you stop clenching your teeth. Caffeine and some medications can also contribute to teeth grinding. Tell Dr. L.C. Chilimigras about any medication that you are taking and consider limiting caffeine in your diet.
For more information about treatment for teeth grinding in Battle Creek, Michigan, and to schedule your next visit, we encourage you to contact Lakeview Dental Care at 269-964-7660.