How Athletes Can Have a Strong and Healthy Smile

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If you’re an athlete, you’re probably spending most of your time trying to get better, stronger, and faster. While this is a great way to spend your time, you should also spend some time caring for your smile. This is because your teeth and gums can be affected by your practicing and playing if you’re not careful. So, in order to have a top-notch oral health in Battle Creek, Michigan, our dentists, Dr. L.C. Chilimigras, encourages you to do the following things:

-Wear a mouthguard: A mouthguard is a strong and reliable appliance that covers your arch of teeth. This appliance protects your smile when hard, forceful objects hit your mouth. This is possible because it absorbs all the force applied when the mouth is hit. This helps you avoid dental emergencies, like knocked-out and broken teeth.

-Avoid sports drinks: Sports drinks are loaded with sugar, whether you believe it or not. This means that when you drink them, you could be increasing your chances of having one or more cavities. So, to just avoid that problem altogether, it’s best to drink water instead.

-Care for your smile each day: It’s important that you brush your teeth twice a day, floss your teeth once a day, rinse your mouth daily with mouthwash, and visit your dentist every six months for a routine dental cleaning and exam.

Call Lakeview Dental Care today at 269-964-7660 if you have any questions or if you would like to know more. Our dental team is happy to help you, so please reach out to us at your earliest convenience!