What Are the Perks of Dental Fillings?

Did you know that cavities that are left untreated can lead to tooth loss? Although tooth loss is quite common, a small amount of oral health care effort coupled with regular checkups can ensure that if a cavity does arise, it will be dealt with in due haste to ensure your full smile will remain for years to come. When... read more »

With Early Detection, Gingivitis Can Be Treated

Gum disease is a shockingly prevalent oral health problem afflicting an estimated 47% of the American population over the age of 30. This needless condition is often the result of poor oral hygiene and a failure to attend your regular dental checkups. This can leave plaque and other bacterial deposits on your teeth. In time, they could harden into dangerous... read more »

Are You Aware of Any Common Sleep Apnea Tips for the Summer Season?

Are you aware of any common sleep apnea tips for the summer season? Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that results from the air not effectively making it to your lungs while you sleep. If your airway is blocked while you sleep, this form of sleep apnea is called obstructive sleep apnea. Another form of sleep apnea that is just... read more »

A Chipped Crown Needs Professional Dental Care

Dental crowns are typically crafted from durable materials like gold, base metals or special dental porcelain. This gives them the strength to handle the daily wear and tear of chewing food. However, there still some things that can cause a chip on one of your crowns. This could come in the form of chronic night grinding or an accidental fall... read more »

What Dental Veneers Can Do for Your Smile

Have you ever wondered what dental veneers can do for your smile? If so, you are not alone. Thousands of people question the possibility of having a flawless smile and wonder if they would find the answers. Luckily, Dr. L.C. Chilimigras and our team here at Lakeview Dental Care in Battle Creek, Michigan, is happy to talk to you about... read more »

Your Dental Bridge & How it Can Help

Have you lost one or more teeth? Would you like to have your smile restored, both visually and functionally? Look no further! Ask Dr. L.C. Chilimigras about a dental bridge in Battle Creek, Michigan. A dental bridge can close a gap in your smile by replacing a missing tooth or teeth. Dental bridges have many benefits. They prevent the remaining... read more »

Not All Bad Breath Is Caused by What You Eat

Not all bad breath is caused by what you eat. Other underlying illnesses and medications you may be taking can also bring about conditions that increase your risk of bad breath. Plaque buildup is frequently caused by foods, but there are other conditions that can exacerbate its effects on your smile. For example, if you are taking any medications, a... read more »

How Dental Sealants can Protect Your Children’s Teeth

Your child’s dental care during their formative years may leave much to be desired. As they are unaccustomed to regular brushing and flossing, cracks and crevices in your child’s mouth may suffer unintentional neglect which can lead to the development of cavities. To help prevent your child from having cavities, we offer a preventative treatment called dental sealants. The application... read more »

Sleep Apnea: The Facts

If you’ve ever known anyone with sleep apnea, you probably know that it can lead to snoring and other strange sounds. However, do you know exactly how you might deal with sleep apnea itself? Unfortunately, as you might have guessed, sleep apnea can be hard to diagnose on your own since you snore when you’re sleeping. However, there are a... read more »

A Serious Tongue Injury Requires First-Aid Treatment

Occasionally biting your tongue during a meal or while chewing gum isn’t that uncommon. This type of tongue injury proves more of a nuisance than a serious cause for concern. However, there are also times when an accident, oral trauma or blow to the face can cause a tongue injury that requires first aid. In a situation of this magnitude,... read more »