How Routine Dental Checkups Help Your Smile in the Long Run

When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »

Turn Back Time with Bruxism Treatments

In order to ensure that you can receive the proper treatments for any oral health conditions you may have, visit our team to assist any restorations and repairs you may need. In certain situations, you may also be suffering from oral health risks that could be leading to future dental damage down the road. One potential treatment that our dentists... read more »

Gum Care 101

Your gums are one of the most important parts of your mouth. They hold your teeth in place, providing a stable foundation full of nutrition, nerves, and blood vessels. These are the parts of your teeth that create a healthy, stable environment in which you can have great teeth. But with how important gums are, it’s surprising how many people... read more »

All About Sleep Apnea

If you’re suffering from sleep apnea, which is a condition in which your breathing patterns are interrupted while you sleep, you should make an appointment see our dentist, Dr. L.C. Chilimigras. Two common forms of sleep apnea are central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea. Although central sleep apnea tends to be rarer, it is no less damaging to your... read more »

Super Smiles: Dental Anxiety Treatments

When assessing your oral health care, are you doing enough to ensure that dental anxiety is not inhibiting your oral health progress? If you routinely find yourself skipping out on dental check-ups due to the fears of visiting your dental office, you are probably suffering from dental anxiety. Don't worry though, as it is a common condition. If you are... read more »

A Sensitive Chipped Tooth Needs to Be Professionally Treated

Sometimes a seemingly minor dental fracture or chipped tooth enamel might not seem to be a big deal Yet some of these cases can also affect the sensitive dentin or pulp within a tooth, leading to increasing problems with tooth sensitivity. In a situation such as this, it’s best to seek professional treatment from a dentists like Dr. L.C. Chilimigras.... read more »

Dental Facts and Findings on Halitosis Prevention

Not all aspects of your oral health originate in your mouth. It may be possible that oral health conditions such as halitosis are actually caused by deeper underlying conditions in your body. Thus, in order to effectively treat these forms of ailments, it is important to eradicate and eliminate any problems that are causing them. In the case of bad... read more »

The Answers to Questions About Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are strong and reliable dental restorations that can help your smile and oral health in more ways than you might realize. If you have questions about this restoration, our dentist, Dr. Chilimigras, is happy to give you the information you need. To do so, he is happy to provide answers to commonly asked questions about dental bridges in... read more »

Oral Health Advantages: Dental Sealants

  Did you know that you could lower your risk of tooth decay and cavities with a simple dentistry procedure known as a dental sealant? Dental sealants are applied directly across your teeth to help enhance your smile by preventing tooth decay. Dental sealants are typically painted on the chewing surfaces of your back teeth to help prevent harmful acids... read more »

How Athletes Can Have a Strong and Healthy Smile

If you’re an athlete, you’re probably spending most of your time trying to get better, stronger, and faster. While this is a great way to spend your time, you should also spend some time caring for your smile. This is because your teeth and gums can be affected by your practicing and playing if you’re not careful. So, in order... read more »