Here at Lakeview Dental Care, our dentists and team understand that emergencies happen. No matter what your situation, we will take care of you as soon as you can get to our office. When you have an emergency, we know that you need our help now, so we are determined to see you immediately.
Can non-patients receive emergency dental care, too?
Of course! Dental emergencies happen to everyone, not just our established patients. Whether you are a new or old patient, feel free to contact us whenever you have a dental emergency.
What kinds of emergency services are available?
We offer a myriad of dental emergency services in Battle Creek, Michigan, to better meet your needs. Whether it is an emergency cleaning, extraction, X-ray or oral surgery, we are happy to help. Our vast experience with emergency cases allows you to be confident in the knowledge that we will take care of you when you have a dental emergency. We can also schedule a follow-up appointment to ensure that you remain in good dental health.
Call us at 269-964-7660 as soon as possible to make your emergency appointment and receive treatment!